The below shows the number of addresses on Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF) that have either been added, amended or deleted from the UK PAF universe of circa. 32 million addresses. The PAF file is the UK’s definitive address file showing all known deliverable properties within the UK. The PAF file excludes Not Yet Built (NYB) and Multi Residency (MRES) addresses. MRES addresses are classified as addresses that are located “behind” a PAF address and not physically accessible to Royal Mail’s Post Persons (their common letters box, featured on PAF is therefore the delivery point for these MRES addresses):
February 2025: Amendments 9,114; Deletions 18,364; Additions 37,065; Total 65,543
January 2025: Amendments 5,676; Deletions 11,834; Additions 30,629; Total 48,139
December 2024: Amendments 5,938; Deletions 12,977; Additions 34,531; Total 53,446
November 2024: Amendments 6,868; Deletions 10,603; Additions 35,008; Total 52,479
October 2023: Amendments 4,606; Deletions 9,330; Additions 30,651; Total 44,587
September 2024: Amendments 7,356; Deletions 13,781; Additions 40,757; Total 61,894